Showing posts with label email. Show all posts
Showing posts with label email. Show all posts
Sunday, March 10, 2013 0 comments

Social Media 101

     Whether you're using Facebook, email, Twitter, or any other Internet marketing options, Social Media Quickstarter is the place to go to learn or get information about a specific marketing tool. If your are interested in using Facebook to advertise your business brand, this SMQ has twenty-one chapters of information teaching users how to utilize Facebook Pages, set your professional profile, and much more. How about Twitter? You bet! SMQ has fourteen chapters of useful content on using Twitter to grow your business and market your products and services. When it comes to even the smallest things, such as QR codes or location-based services, SMQ has the information available for Internet users and marketing gurus to take advantage of. Click HERE to watch a quick video about it!
Monday, January 28, 2013 0 comments

What is social technology and what's the reason for this blog?

     In the past year, a huge number of people have written about (and blogged about, tweeted about…) the mechanics of using Facebook, Twitter, email and YouTube, yet few address how to use the incredible power of new social technology to effectively create social good.

     “What is social good?” Some believe it’s a good or service that benefits the largest number of people in the largest possible way. Classic domains for social goods are often seen in education, environment, health, arts and culture. However, the concept of social good used in social technology is broader to catch the industries you’re familiar with.

     The goal of this blog is simple: to help you in the understanding of social technology in support of creating a clear, single, and focused goal in the use of social media. In the long run, through the use of great applications, software, and quite a lot of internet technology, we will help you to give you that boost of information needed to better your business and even yourself with the use of internet technology. We’ll gain insight from leaders from Facebook, Twitter, and Google, while pulling things down to your level to help you better understand how to use these applications to their fullest capacity.
-Jonathan Williquette